Sunday, May 3, 2009

LIVE AND LET LIVE- not this time!

By my own definition I am a naturalist. I firmly believe we have a responsibility as the higher of all earthly creatures to care for those that are, let's say, in a more vulnerable position than ourselves. If we properly care for the small things, those that make up the natural environment around us, we can maintain the delicate balance of life on earth. We benefit ourselves by caring for those small things.
So it was with much trepidation that I took my shovel and decapitated the colorful little snake shown here. Why would I do such a thing? I have three beautiful kids who love to play in the same back yard this fellow was making a home in. I normally will not kill a snake of any kind unless it has fangs and is in the same yard I call home. While in the woods I enjoy observing them from a distance. Live and let live.
So my question for you is; What kind of snake is this and do you think I did the right thing in killing it?
Great Adventures!


Ian Berger said...


That's a tough one. Clearly it's a coral snake: “Red touch yellow, Kill a fellow.” Not a Banded King Snake: “Red touch black, Friend to Jack. Coral snakes are pretty venomous but they don't get a bite easily. Perhaps next time you could call the fish and game wardens and they could get it?

When I was a camp counselor in the Ocala area, we had a problem with rattlers. At least once we shot one. It was pretty big, and, I heard, tasty.

On the other hand, when your kids are involved, sometimes the thinking goes out the door and you just become a bear protecting the cubs.

Noel said...

I think you did the right thing. And yes it is a coral snake. Nasty poison. They don't have fangs and have to chew on you, and their mouths are not very big. But if they do get ANY poison in you, your in big big trouble. Way more than most rattlesnake strikes.

From wikipedia:

Coral snakes have a powerful neurotoxin that paralyzes the breathing muscles; mechanical or artificial respiration, along with large doses of antivenom, are often required to save a victim's life.